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Tourism, hospitality and sport management databases


Covers worldwide research on and strategic development of leisure, recreation, sport, tourism and hospitality activities, facilities, products and services. Comprises over 50,000 bibliographic references originally published in Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Abstracts.


Covers market research and industry news for the sporting goods and sports marketing industries. Sources include the National Sporting Goods Association, the US Department of Commerce, sports governing bodies, buyTRACK (a tracking study of sporting goods purchasing habits on the Internet), and several magazines and newsletters.


Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence.


This database contains UNWTO publications such as books, journals, and statistics in their respective languages. In addition to more than 900 books in English, French, Spanish, Russian or Arabic, the e-UNWTO also provides access to a growing number of documents which can be defined as "Gray Literature". The latest statistical information and aggregated data on inbound and outbound tourism are very conveniently presented within the "Tourism Factbook".

Resources - databases


(in alphabetic order)



Up-to-date market research reports


The most comprehensive business resource available. Diverse content for scholarly research.


Thousands of working papers with tax and financial law coverage.


Monitors advertising expenditure information for millions of product brands across television, radio, magazine, newspaper, internet and outdoor channels. Search by category, company name, subsidiary or brand. Spenders can be ranked by category, company name, brand and more.


AFED is a comprehensive database with detailed financial and economic information.


A database of comparable  financial information for public and private companies across Europe.


ProQuest Banking Information Source can help users predict future market trends, monitor the rise of future competition, and even pick up ideas that have worked successfully in the financial services market. The database brings together leading journals from the most important international markets.


Provides in-depth market research reports on 24 industries and 200 global markets, emphasizing emerging markets. Includes extensive economic and political risk ratings and analysis, macroeconomic analysis and forecasts, and financial analysis of debt and equity.


Business Source offers a wealth of peer-reviewed, full-text journals and other resources that provide historical information and current trends in business that spark discussion on future developments and changes in the business world (EBSCO Ultimate, Complete, Premier, Elite). 7260 full-text journals and magazines, 4367 full-text peer-reviewed journals.


The CEIC Asia Database is the most comprehensive Asian economic and financial time series database available. It contains some 590,000 time series covering 20 Asian countries.


Central bank and monetary authority websites


China Statistical Yearbooks Database(CSYD) is a leading database of statistical data in China, which collects all important statistical yearbooks published by Mainland China presses, covering various kinds of census and survey data.


The World Factbook provides information on the history, people and society, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.


A practical guide to business regulations, operating conditions, and commercial laws of 60 countries worldwide. Covered are regulations on capital movements, investment incentives, foreign investment rules, labor conditions, export credits, local capital sources, competition and price control policies.


Provides in-depth economic, political and business analysis and short-term market outlooks for almost 200 countries. Each report examines the political scene, economic policies and development plans, domestic economy, trends in production and demand, monetary and fiscal conditions, wages and prices, sectoral trends, foreign trade, capital flows, exchange rates and foreign debt, and also reports on national, regional and global events that affect business in the short to medium term. Detailed two-year forecasts complement the analysis and pinpoint political and economic developments and trends.


Economic literature in scholarly journals (including book reviews), books, dissertations, and working papers. Covers accounting, capital markets, econometrics, economic forecasting, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, urban economics and more. Published by the American Economic Association.


EIU is world leader in global business intelligence, assisting businesses, the financial sector and governments to understand how the world is changing and how that creates opportunities to be seized and risks to be managed.


Market research reports that focus on how e-commerce and the Internet affect business and industry. eStat section has statistics and graphs.


Independent provider of strategic market research. Creates data and analysis on thousands of products and services around the world.


Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union providing  statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.



Factiva is one of the largest, most global digital business aggregators and archives in the world. Factiva’s combination of global content and business search and monitoring technologies offers users timely, reliable, and relevant knowledge for business advantage. Source for global news, and business, financial, and company information, providing access to thousands of newspapers and other publications. Stock quotes are also available.



Industry Profiles: overviews, challenges, trends, executive insight, call prep questions, financials, forecasts, growth rating, and industry drivers. Industries by economic metrics: financial, HR, industry drivers, forecasts.


Reports and analysis that focus on the business implications of technology change. Jupiter media research and analysis incorporated into Forrester.


Provides company information across 195 countries, executive database, credit risk, and technology insights.


Daily updates of global economic developments, with coverage of high income- as well as developing countries. Daily data updates are provided for exchange rates, equity markets, and emerging market bond indices. Monthly data coverage (updated daily and populated upon availability) is provided for consumer prices, high-tech market indicators, industrial production and merchandise trade.


Large collection of industry reports; market size, competitors, drafting business plans, pitch books, benchmarking, forecasting, business valuations, litigation support, due diligence and more.


Databases with macroeconomic and financial data. The International Financial Statistics is one of the Fund's principal statistics datasets and has been available since January 1948.


The ideal starting point for any research on India's economy, CEIC Data’s India Premium Database boasts the most accurate and in-depth information on the Indian economy.


Back issues of core scholarly journals in subjects including African-American studies, anthropology, Asian studies, classics, ecology, economics, education, finance, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, political science, population studies, sociology, and statistics.


Covers worldwide research on and strategic development of leisure, recreation, sport, tourism and hospitality activities, facilities, products and services. Comprises over 50,000 bibliographic references originally published in Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Abstracts.


Market reports per industry.


Provides market research reports and industry analysis.


Mergent Online offers a wealth of textual detail - the hallmark of all Mergent Products - on company financials, descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries officers and directors. Powerful intuitive search capabilities combined with an easy to use interface, access to risk ratings, credit information and recommendations under one platform. The professional-strength research tool that tracks more companies in more countries than any other database.


Market research reports focused on consumers in the U.S., U.K., European, and some Asian markets. Market drivers, size & trends and segmentation; supply structure, advertising & promotion, retail distribution, consumer characteristics & forecasts.


Provides full text of all working papers from the National Bureau of Economic Research, a private research organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works.



A complete list of all OECD databases,  per topics, can be found here. The OECD databases for economics are: Economic Outlook; Factbook; Main Economic Indicators (MEI); National accounts; Product market regulation.




CEIC Data’s Russia Database offers access to knowledge on the financial performance of Russia’s economy.


Essential consumer intelligence on the American consumer.


Covers market research and industry news for the sporting goods and sports marketing industries. Sources include the National Sporting Goods Association, the US Department of Commerce, sports governing bodies, buyTRACK (a tracking study of sporting goods purchasing habits on the Internet), and several magazines and newsletters.


Quantitative data, statistics, infographics, and related information compiled from market research institutes, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases.


Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence.



Brings UN statistical databases within easy reach of users through a single-entry point.


UNCTADstat is a free database of statistics produced by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). It incorporates all of UNCTAD's online statistical databases, including both current and historical data.


The World Bank provides free and open access to global development data, listing multiple databases.


As part of the World Bank Open Data, the World Development Indicators includes data spanning up to 56 years—from 1960 to 2016. World view frames global trends with indicators on population, population density, urbanization, GNI, and GDP.


This database contains UNWTO publications such as books, journals, and statistics in their respective languages. In addition to more than 900 books in English, French, Spanish, Russian or Arabic, the e-UNWTO also provides access to a growing number of documents which can be defined as "Gray Literature". The latest statistical information and aggregated data on inbound and outbound tourism are very conveniently presented within the "Tourism Factbook".

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© 2015-2021 Created by Victoria Folea, Ph.D.



Academic Research Hub - The Research Office

Romanian-American University

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